Saturday, January 16, 2010

k here's the deal

for the first time in a long time i feel like this. i can't keep from smiling. i am loving school. i am loving having friends, not to mention a real live social life where i actually do things with said friends. i am loving my apartment. i am loving not having a job. i am loving finally being able to just be myself and not apologize for it. i am loving life.

for realsies.

ps. tonight i watched the coolest movie: 'moon'. watch it-seriously, one of the best movies i've seen in a loooong time.

pps. i am pretty much the best cleaner in the whole wide world. you could probably eat off the bathroom floors at my grandparent's house. not to brag or anything. i'm just sayin...

1 comment:

Mallory said...

Yay for being happy and active!!! Miss our good times..