Wednesday, January 6, 2010

i might die in my sleep tonight on account of the whole "can't breathe" thing.

wellp, school's started again. (i know, didn't it just barely end? i feel like i had a painted blue face and was shouting 'freeeeeeedommmmmm!!!!!!!!!!' at the top of my lungs just five minutes ago. weird.) here's a rundown on my schedule today, just in case you feel like stalking me in the future or whatever.

11am-brit lit before 1800: i'm kind of nervous that we're starting right away with hard stuff like beowulf (i like to read but don't ever really challenge myself, which is what i'm hoping to do with this class. seriously, i didn't even take an english class my senior year...of course i did edit an ENTIRE BOOK, but whatev.), but the teacher seems way cool and i'm trying to challenge myself a little bit more.

12pm-intro to polisci: i hate politics. i don't know what is going on ever, and (for the most part) i don't care. i know. i'm a terrible person, my vote counts and all that. but you know what? i think that america would rather have me not vote than have me vote on someone based on what the candidate's name rhymes with or whatever retarded criteria i came up with in the voting booth. the teacher seems way cool though. maybe he will make me care....we'll see.

1pm-nothing as of yet, but i'm hoping to make silver team (!) keep your fingers (and toes and eyes and whatever else ya got) crossed for me!!!

3pm-film history II: i'm pretty excited about this class. it does nothing for my major, but i had a class from the professor last semester and loved it. plus i love movies. and getting a grade for learning about them? yes please!

and there you have it. feel free to stalk me at your leisure monday, wednesdays, and fridays.

more tomorrow:)

1 comment:

Anger said...

done and done. I shall stalk you now :)