Thursday, January 21, 2010


this is what i listen to to get in an awesome mood:

*i gotta feeling - black eyed peas (i physically cannot stop myself from dancing to this song)
*i do not hook up - kelly clarkson
*my life would suck without you - kelly clarkson (what can i say, she freaking rocks)
*under pressure - queen and david bowie (so awesome. if you don't sing this song at the top of your lungs in your car there is something wrong with you)
*crazy in love - beyonce
*single ladies - beyonce (i don't really get into this kind of music, but i can't not dance to those songs)
*gold digger - glee cast
*don't stop believing - journey (duh)

i triple dog dare you to not be happy listening to these songs. it won't happen, you can't help but car dance and feel just a little bit happier :)

[ps. i'm getting like a hundred hits a day, yet i only have 13 followers and no one ever comments. it would make me feel so special if you did either:) ]


Lori said...

you seem so much happier lately. I love it! I hope things are good for you. love ya!

Anonymous said...

I love reading you blog... you have the best way of putting things.. I am so glad life is going good for you