Wednesday, September 15, 2010

pigeons, writing til i die & smartypants.

did i kick some major booty and write my whole freaking world war two paper this evening?  yes i sure freaking did.  six and a half straight hours of writing.  i don't know who is writing what i'm writing now because i've lost all capability of logical thought.

tonight i'm going to dream about pigeons.

[smartypants.  she knows everything.  and her fingernails shine like justice.]

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

life explodation & super ily

it's 2:15 am.  i just finished reading a novel, two and a half textbook chapters, a book report and about two hours of grading work.  now i just have about 100 pages to read and a paper determining my grade (aka my life) for my world war two class that's in a format (turabian) that i've never even heard of, let alone used, to do.  what's that?  it's due in less than 33 hours?

who wants to come pick my brain off the floor?

[what party is complete without super ily?  she has the power of flight, does that do anything for you?  how about the move you?]

Monday, September 13, 2010

introducing...super week!

on saturday one of my best dreams came true: i *finally* threw my superhero vs supervillain party.  i don't want to brag (well...okay, yeah i do), but this was one of my best parties.  i wish i could throw parties for a living.  everyone always has fun and they'd be even better if i had any money at all!  anyways.  this week i will be featuring one or two photos in each post.  for those of you who came: holla.  you are the coolest.  hope you had the best time!  for those of you who didn't:  check out what you missed suckas.  for those of you not invited:  oopsies.  sorry:S  i still like you, forgive me?  for everyone:  next time will be even better.  your face will literally be rocked off.  be there or be square.
[awkward girl.  i have the power to make people (esp. boys) feel awkward and uncomfortable, sometimes to the point that they pretend i don't exist when i am standing right next to them.  my alter ego has this power as well.  my powers are so intense they even work on my (cute) boyfriend.]
stay tuned for more...

(ps.  i never feel sad when people make comments on my blog.  unless they are unkind.  then you can just watch bambi again ya big dummy.  also ashley casey soper, you rock.  miss you girl:)  hope life is the best!  )

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

star light star bright

[the other night tevan and i were stargazing (no shenanigans, just literally looking at the stars and chatting - promise!) and we saw like 7 shooting stars.  this almost word for word happened in my brain.]

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


school has started again and it's looking like it's going to be a great semester.  here's the line up:

history of world war two (upper division)
world civ from 1500 to present 
history of the american economy
young adult literature (upper division)

it's going to be tough, but i know that if i work hard and do my best that greatness is not only possible but probable.  some of my goals for this semester include:

1-get straight a's
2-get a scholarship for next year

it can be done.  i've just got to work hard, do my best and then the Lord will help with the rest.  right?

"A constant element of enjoyment must be mingled with our studies, so that we think of learning as a game rather than a form of drudgery, for no activity can be continued for long if it does not to some extent afford pleasure to the participant."  - Erasmus