Saturday, January 30, 2010

also a know-it-all drunk accosted us by a candy store and told us about how dick cheney was the devil.

so i went to the sundance film festival tonight for the first time. (i loved it.) when jordan told me what film we were seeing ('to catch a dollar'-the preview doesn't do it justice, just fyi.) and told me a little what it was about, all i heard was 'blah blah blah loans blah blah low interest rate blah blah blah', which in my head translates to boooooring.

i was wrong.

oh. my. goodness. it was so excellent. it was interesting, thought provoking, and just a heart-warming film. i know what you're thinking: a documentary about microloans? heart-warming? please.

seriously it was so good. it just makes you want to believe in and help people. it gives you faith in the human race, that someone (muhammad yunus-he won the nobel peace prize and president obama awarded him the presidential medal of freedom. they showed a clip of the latter's ceremony and obama's speech was great. he told a story about how a boy walking on the beach after a storm came upon an old man picking up starfish stranded on the beach after the storm and throwing them back into the sea. the boy said 'why are you doing that-it's a waste of time, there are too many' and the old man looked at the starfish in his hand, threw it back into the sea and said 'it mattered to this one.' total cheese, but i kinda teared up-i was totally moved.) is making a serious difference for people who most everyone has just forgotten about or ignored. he's eliminating poverty. how cool is that? i just wanted to burst into applause several times in the movie, my heart was just overflowing. i realize this sounds all gushy and stupid, but you just have to see it. he's making a difference one person at a time. incredible. far jordan's like 100% on recommendations for things i think i won't like, but actually love. (examples include but are not limited to: white chocolate raspberry hot coccoa, honey bbq fritos, and 'to catch a dollar'.) i feel like i should just give him carte blanch trust on recommendations now...


Jon Ulf said...

Honey BBQ Fritos are the BOMB!

The Maucotel's said...

Yeah for Yunus and the Grameen Bank! I gave Brian a donation to the Grameen Bank as an anniversary present a couple years ago, and now all he asks for is a donation to a microcredit lender every time I ask him what he wants! I will have to check out this movie, thanks for the recommendation!