Friday, May 21, 2010

duck duck duck MISS!

what. a. fantastic. day.

work was fine.

then i saw baby girl who can sit up by herself like a normal human and also scoot!!! [as a side note - i tried to put a video of her doing it on here, but i couldn't figure out how to. just imagine the cutest baby girl doing stuff so cute your brain explodes and you'll almost understand how awesome it was:) here is a picture to tide you over...]

then i accidentally went to the library and read an entire book about jack the ripper and another book about weird facts, including that one time in new york state a farm had baby crocodiles rain onto it and also you shouldn't use those hand dryers in the bathrooms because they make your hands dirtier (think about it, what air are they blowing on your hands at sorta-high speeds. yeah. gross, huh?).

then brianon, laura, dj, andrew, joe & kris came over for game, delicious food eating, a late night walk & otter pops. it was exquisite in its funness:) i love making new friends, especially ones that are of the cute/fun/hilarious/boy variety. also, andrew, joe & kris are brothers and in a band (a very very good band, coincidentally) called les sages. [don't say it like a lame-o american. say it french-like: lay sage(like the last half of massage).] i think their music is the bees knees, you should definitely check them out. and dj is an incredible writer. check out his blog or your friendly neighborhood costco to witness his awesomeness via the interwebs or real life, respectively.

[also, i want to go to there.]


Emmy Rae said...

that is a pretty dang cute little girl... ;)

stephefernie said...

I scooted too! My dad said i looked like ursula haha that's so cute =) we're twinsies