Tuesday, December 8, 2009

i am not a jack johnson song.

my life is a disaster of epic proportions.

1:23 - 2:00 is how i feel.

i'm going to try the 5 things that are going good thing again...

1-i have the best friends in the world
a-i live with the best roommate/best friend a girl could ask for. seriously. she even wrote me a song and decorated our dryer to make me feel better. how many people can say that?
b-emme and jon let me come over at all hours of the night (and morning) to sob on their couch and let me hold their baby.
c- jay, mal, nolan, steph: i know you guys have my back no matter what, threats and plots of attack included :)
d-danny and jaz: best friends forever (literally, we're sealed:) )
2-i'm pretty sure ily and i are psychically linked. so sorry she had a rough night last night too em...seriously though, baby ily is like medicine for me. even if i'm completely freaking out, holding her makes me feel like everything is going to be okay.
3-i got my birthday off of school and work
4-the utah state senate is making it possible for me to go see a specialist. maybe i'll vote next year as a thank you.
5-i have the most supportive parents ever that are always trying to remind/convince me that i matter. and that life will get better.


JlynTheo said...

I am so glad you are looking on the bright side of things! And that I am on the bright side list :) Love ya!

Anger said...

Can we reenact that scene and I can be Yang? Please!