Monday, July 12, 2010

in no particular order...

dj, my cute and affordable apartment, my beautiful backyard, having a reliable car, harry potter books, my family, brianon, living close to the temple, having people i know i can count on, warm sunshine, school starting soonish, laura being home, dance, music, cool water, stars, bright colors, ethan sending me encouraging texts, having a job, seeing mac and kai, being home from dumb new york, second chances, talking to danny, baby girl & fake parents, being able to put my hair up, not feeling sick all the time anymore, not being afraid to be myself, the atonement, fans, tivo, being able to verbally throw up via this blog, washer and dryer in my house, my new fridge, parents who support me 100% no matter what

1 comment:

Anger said...

That's so weird. I haven't read your blog in a while and I just did a LOVE game post. How crazy.