Thursday, July 22, 2010

all sorts of love

i went to the temple last night with my cousin. the provo temple is closed right now so we went to mt timp. i vaguely remember going to the open house when i was a littlie, but didn't remember much about how it looked. wow. mt timp is an amazingly gorgeous temple, esp the celestial room. it's the biggest one i've ever been in and was just...exquisite.

we tried to do a session, but it was incredibly busy. sam had never done sealings, so we did that instead. afterward, we were able to spend a little time in the celestial room. i won't go into detail, but i will just say that i love the temple. the spirit of the Lord is able to abide more strongly there than any place i have ever felt. i entered the temple feeling anxious, stressed, upset, worried, and sad. i left feeling incredibly calm, loved, and at peace. are my worries gone? definitely not. but does the Lord love and want what's best for me? does he know not only what i want, but what i need? absolutely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just made my day...Consider yourself hugged and loved by this earthly Mom:)