Monday, April 19, 2010

will you meet me halfway?

guess what i might be getting tomorrow!

today was pretty much a great day. it was beyond beautiful outside, for one thing. secondly, i aced that extra credit quiz (!) and literally walked out of the room raising the roof. and then tonight i went for an epic walk with brianon. a few of the great things that happened on our stroll: seeing a bunch of firetrucks/ambulances/cop cars and making up a story about what happened, jumping across a stream, exploring the library at one am, finding books analyzing sherlock holmes stories, playing with chalk with random people (it's on byu campus, see if you can find it byu friends!), walking across the bridge i've always wanted to walk across, and really great conversation. i have to say - i'm straight-up stoked to be friends with this miss baker person. she's pretty great.

ps. i'm tired of people telling me that they "definitely prefer my dark hair". a - i didn't ask you for your opinion, thanks. and b - did you not watch bambi as a child?! if you don't have something nice to say, don't say nothing at all!!!


Jon Ulf said...

Definitely prefer your dark hair? Ok, there was nothing wrong with your dark hair, you look pretty no matter what color hair you have, but HEYO! The blonde is freakin awesome.

I hate it when people aren't supportive *WINK*.

Emmy Rae said...

You look beautiful. Just thought you should know. And you might be getting a bike?! That is AWESOME! (Said in the high pitched barney voice.)