Wednesday, April 7, 2010

today i made a giant mistake

and it is called i went to a pet store. my thought was to get a goldfish and name him howard. but i walked in there and there were all these puppies in aquariums. it was the saddest thing i've ever seen. they were tiny puppies in aquariums with barely enough room to turn around. and this one little yorkie kept trying to get to my hand for me to pet it through the glass. i may or may not have cried a little. this has now gone beyond want into need. because guess what--those puppies need me. they were so darling. i just don't know if a fish will cut it now. even if he is a beautiful golden color and named howard.

also look at this:

[yeah. that is a for reals puppy. did you just die/melt a little?]

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