Saturday, April 3, 2010

i got soul but i'm not a soldier

so after i cleaned my grandma and grandpa's house, my grandma took me to dinner at wingers. i ordered sticky fingers boneless wings with the mild buffalo sauce. when they finally brought our food out i took a giant bite and...

my mouth exploded.

seriously it was the hottest thing i've ever put in my mouth. i felt like a cartoon, with the bright red face, fire coming out of my mouth, and steam coming out of my ears. i was crying a little bit and my nose was running non-stop. then i made the mistake of taking a drink of water. that only made things worse-i started coughing like crazy! i ended up pouring sour cream from our appetizers all over my tongue, it was that hot!! i had my grandma try a little piece and she agreed with me-it was beyond spicy.

we asked the waitress if maybe they'd put the wrong sauce on and she said she didn't think so, but maybe the medium sauce. we tried to get her to try it, but she wouldn't. she came back a couple minutes later with a new plate of wings, apologizing like crazy-apparently they'd accidentally put on the atomic sauce, which is the hottest sauce they have!

it was pretty funny [after using a fire extinguisher to soothe my poor mouth!] :)


Brianon said...

holy crap, this is my worst nightmare! besides like... dying childless by the hand of a serial killer.

Anger said...

oops. Way to not yell at the waitress. I prob would have. They should have given you a shirt that said "I survived the atomic hot sauce even though it's not what I ordered and no one should eat such hot things"