Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ouch ouch ouch

so today danny and stef had school so i thought i'd grab my book and head down to the hukilau beach (literally right across the street from stef's cute house). i had a great time, listening to my ipod, reading a book, swimming in the ocean (until i saw a little school of ten inch fishes swimming by me and freaked out because i was by myself and felt like a shark would be attracted by the fishes and eat me because i was alone. irrational i know...). so after i saw the fishes i got out and headed home. i felt like maybe i'd gotten a little pink, but nothing too bad...


one giant sunburn later, i am having a hard time walking because the backs of my knees are just fried. also the backs of my thighs, making it super painful to sit on anything. and of course, my back. it's making me feel like i want to walk around topless because if anything (clothes, a person, a tiny speck of dust) touches it, i feel like i want to die. i haven't had a sunburn this bad since high school! sad day:(

[the beach was still super fun though!]

at night, danny and i walked down to the polynesian cultural center and watched the night show, which is dances from all the polynesian countries. it was super rad! if you are ever in hawaii, i totally recommend it! i also recommend eating stef's stew. oh. my. goodness. soooooo good!!!

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