Monday, March 15, 2010

milk is like 7 dollars here. that is ridonk.

so today was kinda crazy. i tried to do some work while danny and stef were at school, but blackboard was being way weird so i couldn't. it was sunny so i thought i'd go down to the beach, but then all of a sudden it started raining cats and dogs. and then i started feeling really sick, so i decided to take a nap. this is when i had some super crazy dreams.

the main people in it were me, danny, stef, taei and justin long. me and stef's moms were in this interior decorating contest and that made it so we were in a magic contest, kind of like the tri-wizard tournament in harry potter. we were in a small boat in san francisco bay and it was an astronomy contest-we had to identify constellations. when we got one right it would fall out of the sky, but the stars were giant lightbulbs that fell in the water and made huge waves. so we got to the last one and it was a hard one and stef all of a sudden wasn't in the boat. we thought she had fallen off, but she hadn't, she just disappeared. justin long all of a sudden was in the water, being attacked by the monster from 'the host'. we managed to rescue him and he kept insisting he knew were stef was. he said she was in one of the houses that our moms had decorated for the contest. so we went to the house and were looking all over the place for her. finally we found her behind the wall in a cupboard. she wouldn't talk and finally justin long pulled a string that was in her mouth and a whole deck of cards came out of her mouth, one card after another. it was really weird and at the end a key with a clue on it came out. that was when i woke up.

so. weird.

so we pretty much just hung out around the house after danny and stef got home from school. i ended up doing some work and then we went grocery shopping. we also dyed stef's hair dark brown-it looks adorable! so, pretty uneventful, but tomorrow we're going to the hukilao cafe for breakfast, then a devotional, then we're going out to sunset beach for all kinds of adventures. i'm pretty psyched :)

also: it rains like crazy out here! it will be really sunny and pretty and then all of a sudden it will just start pouring ridiculous amounts of rain. it's crazy!

1 comment:

Anger said...

Ha ha ha ha ha. That dream sounds freaking sweet! Ha ha. I love that Justin Long was in it. I love him... And Mac's.