Thursday, February 4, 2010


the blog you are searching for doesn't exist because the blogger (bloggette?) is currently suffering from brain explodation caused by reading 200 pages of middle ages british literature, including but not limited to:

1-a story about a guy who kisses a married woman's butt (literally, not figuratively=gross), then falls off a ladder because her lover farts in his face. before he falls, he smacks the lover on the butt with a red hot poker, whose screaming wakes up the married ladies' husband who was sleeping in a tub hanging in his barn, awaiting the flood 2.0.
2-a story about a knight who ravishes a girl, then is punished by the queen to wander the countryside for a year to find out what women really want (yikes. this is the punishment for rape in the middle ages...not cool chaucer, not cool.) and if he doesn't find out he'll be killed. a hag tells him it's power, but that he has to marry her since she told him the answer. so he's let off the hook on the whole 'being killed' thing, but then the hag (his wife) tells him she will either be smoking hot and unfaithful or ugly and true to him. he tells her he's learned his lesson and that she can decide so lucky him, he gets a hot faithful wife. what a noble knight. (not).
3-two different accounts of crazy women who have visions of jesus and are seriously off their rockers.

ugh. i do not really like british lit before 1800.


Emmy Rae said...

I can't lie. After reading the first one I got bored and stopped reading. So...all my pity,

CassAnne said...

I took a Brit lit class once...yeah...