Sunday, November 8, 2009

i had way too much time alone today.

i have so many ideas in my head, i can't believe they all fit in there. case in point: careoke. kareoke for your car. who doesn't love to just sing their face off in the car? you'd just need a microphone type thing that would transmit your voice over the speakers. how fun would this make roadtrips?

things that make me mad:
*when anything goes moldy before it's supposed to.
*cold showers
*when people don't use their blinkers
*people that ask "who's going to be there" when i invite them to do something
*when people say stupid comments during lectures at school

1 comment:

JlynTheo said...

First: I like your creative use(s) of the alternate spellings of the word karaoke. :)
Second: absolutely FANTASTIC idea.
Third: totally with you on the "who's going to be there" thing. Ugh.
Fourth: Loves.