Thursday, October 8, 2009

i will never have this problem

because i have a child size head. yay for being a baer!

today: 100% on an exam, delish doughnut, work, finally finish paper!, study for scary exam tomorrow, cereal, bed.

tomorrow: 9 am class cancelled, no breakfast with brad cuz he's a psycho and running 100 miles in vegas, writing lab to make sure paper is perfect (no 17/20 crap this time), take scary test, cafe with chris, work (kz or cloudy with a chance of meatballs?), psych homework when the kiddies are asleep, bed.

phew. i get tired just looking at that...


Anonymous said...

I am sure you will do great on your test. Can you take 5 to smell some roses, look at the clouds? Just remember your family love you:) Cant wait to see you in 5 or 6 days

Anger said...

I need a nap now...ha ha